google SEO入门指南学习摘要

【本文翻译为自主理解翻译,若有出入,请查看原文《Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide》】

1、Create unique, accurate page titles 创建唯一、准确的页面标题

☆ 实践

1)Accurately describe the pages content 准确描述页面内容

2)Create unique title tags for each page 为每个页面创建唯一的标题

3)Use brief, but descriptive titles 使用简洁但描述性的标题

2、Make use of the "description" meta tag 使用"description" meta标签

i. a sentence or a short paragraph 一句或者一小段

ii. either too short, long, or duplicated too many times 不能太短太长或者太多重复 might use "description" as snippets for your sites, in case google cannot find a good selection of text to user in the snippet. 若Google找不到好的文本选段作为片段给用户,它会使用你站点的"description"作为片段

iv. snippets appear under a pages title and above a page;s URL in a search result. 片段是显示在搜索结果的标题和URL之间

☆ 实践

1) Accurately summarize the pages content 准确总结页面内容

2) Use unique descriptions for each page 每个页面使用唯一的描述


3.Improve the structure of your URLs 改善URL的结构

i. creating descriptive categories and filenames for the documents 为文档创建描述性的目录或者文件名

ii. URL to a document is displayed as part of a search result in Google, below the documents title and snippet. 在Google搜索结果中,文档的URL是在标题和片段下面

☆ 实践

1) Use words in URLs

words relevant to your sites content and structure URL中的单词必须与站点内容和结构相关

avoid using excessive keywords 避免过度使用关键字

2)Create a simple directory structure 创建一个简单的目录结构

try using your directory structure to indicate the type of content found at that URL


avoid having deep nesting of subdirectories 避免深层次嵌套的子目录

2) Provide one version of a URL to reach a document 只提供一个版本的URL来访问文档

setting up a 301 redirect form non-preferred URLs to the dominant URL

avoid using odd capitalization of URLs(many users expect lower-case URLs and remember them better) URL中避免使用奇怪的大写,很多用户期望小写的URL,容易记住

4. Make your site easier to navigate 是你的站点更容易导航

i. offer a sitemap 提供一个sitemap

ii.An XML Sitemap(upper-case) file, which you can submit through Googles Webmaster Tools, make it easier for Google to discover the pages on your site 你可以通过Google的站长工具提交XML Sitemap,让Google更容易找到你站点的页面

☆ 实践

1)Create a naturally flowing hierarchy 创建一个自然流动的层次结构

i. avoid creating complex webs of navigation links and going overboard with slicing and dicing your content. 避免创建复杂的导航链接以及对内容过于切割分块

2) Use mostly text for navigation 导航更多地使用文本

3) Use "breadcrumb" navigation 使用面包屑导航

A breadcrumb is a row of internal links at the top or bottom of the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate back to a previous section or the root page



4) Put an HTML sitemap page on your site, and use an XML Sitemap file

在你的站点放置一个HTML的sitemap页面,使用sitemap xml文件

5) Consider what happens when a user removes part of your URL 考虑当用户删除你URL的一部分时会发生什么。可以通过URL过滤来处理URL不完整的异常,提高交互友好性

6) Have a userful 404 page 使用有用的404页面

have a link back to your root page and could also provide links to popular or related content on your site 有一个链接可以回到你的根页面,也可以链接到比较受欢迎或者相关的内容

5. Offer quality content and services 提供有质量的内容和服务

1) Write easy-to-read text 写容易月度的文案

i.avoid embedding text in images for textual content 避免在文本内容中嵌入图片,要考虑到部分用户的复制需要

2) Stay organized around the topic 内容要围绕主题进行组织

3) Use relevant language 使用相关的语言

4) Create fresh, unique content 创建新鲜唯一的内容

5) Offer exclusive content or services 提供独有的内容和服务

6) Create content primarily for your users, not search engines 主要是为了你的用户创建内容而不是搜索引擎

6. Write better anchor text 编写更好的锚点文本

☆ 实践

1) Choose descriptive text 选择描述性的文本

2) Write concise text 简洁的文本

3) Format links so theyre easy to spot 容易识别点击的格式化链接

4) Think about anchor text for internal links too


7. Use heading tags appropriately 恰当使用heading标签


☆ 实践

1) Imagine youre writing an outline 设想你在写一份提纲,要点与次要点怎么恰当使用heading标签

2) Use headings sparingly across the page 少量使用heading标签

8. Optimize your use of images 优化图片的使用

☆ 实践

1) Use brief, but descriptive filenames and alt text 使用简洁并且描述性的文件名和alt文本

2) Supply alt text when using images as links 当使用图片作为链接时,使用alt文本

3) Store images in a directory of their own 将图片存放在独立统一的目录中

4) Use commonly supported filetypes 使用普遍支持的文件类型

9. Make effective use of robots.txt 有效使用robots.txt

A "robots.txt" file tells search engines whether they can access and therefore crawl parts of your site. This file, which must be named "robots.txt", is placed in the root directory of your site.


☆ 实践

1)Use more secure methods for sensitive content 为敏感的内容使用更安全的方法,内容加密或者使用.htaccess进行密码保护

10. Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links 了解链接的rel="nofollow"

tell Google that certain links on your site shouldnt be followed or pass your pages reputation to the pages linked to.


<a href="****://" rel="nofollow">comment</a>



如果打算将页面中所有的链接置为"nofollow",可以在head中添加一下robots meta

<meta name="robots" content="nofollow">

11. Promote your website in the right ways 以正确的方式推进你的站点

☆ 实践

1) Blog about new content or services 记录新内容或服务的博客

2) Dont forget about offline promotion 不要忘记线下推广:名片、信头、海报、邮件等列出站点URL

3) Know about social media sites 了解社交媒体站点,用户交流分享站点相关内容更容易匹配到感兴趣人群;避免推广每一次新的小的内容,而是要着手大的有趣的部分;

i. avoid involving your site in schemes where your content is artificially promoted to the top of these services

4) Add your business to Googles Local Business Center 将你的业务添加到Google本地业务中

5) Reach out to those in your sites related community 接触与你站点相关的社区

12. Make use of free webmaster tools 使用免费的站长工具

Yahool!:Tahoo!Site Explorer(*****://

Microsoft: Live Search Webmaster Tools(****://


Baidu: *****://

Google: Googles Webmaster Tools (****://

13. Take advantage of web analytics services 利用web分析服务



